Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Are Your Distracted By Bright Shiny Objects In Your Business?

Are you Suffering from SOS Syndrome?

"Shiny Objects Syndrome"

The Shiny Objects Syndrome (SOS) is a common problem among passionate business owners.

So what is Shiny Objects Syndrome?

Please  allow me to explain. Although you are passionate about your business but sometimes you can get side tracked or distracted from what you were intending to do. You do know what I am talking about, like while you are constructing an email and for some reasons you clicked on another page to read a blog post or to check your Facebook post to get an update. All this actions are know as the Bright Shiny Objects!.

The internet is the place for Shiny Objects. So you clicked here then you clicked there and you ended up with more new ideas, it looks awesome even though it did not fit with your existing goals. Then before you know it, you are so far off the track, and the funniest thing is you don't even know how did you get there.  It’s a creative person’s nightmare. Surfing the net for inspirations and completely forgetting all your real purpose for the day. What about those book worms who keep buying more books. They have stacked of books lying by the bedside table collecting dust. They only read the first chapter, and left unread because they've found a "better "read. I am sure you can come up with more examples of Shinny Objects distraction.

This situation happens to us  all the time right?

Bright Shiny Object is your resistance to take action. What it does is creating the idea of being busy and yes your are but you are busy doing things that are not goals related. In reality all those busy tasks will keep you from taking conscious action. So you  are always busy but you never complete the tasks.

So how do you make sure you  don't get distracted by Bright Shiny Objects?
  • Make a conscious choice: Every time you make a choice to do work, make sure you understand what it requires from you and what the outcome will be before you start to do the task. This will help you focus and stay on course until you are finished. By doing it this way  means  letting go of those activities that are not related to your goals and not serving your purpose.
  • Do the importance tasks: Sometimes we avoid the important tasks completely by doing other tasks. We're avoiding it because we don't want to experience the paint or facing the challenge of doing it. So focus on things that are really essential to you right now and face your fear and crack down on your procrastination.
  • To do List: Write a list of three things that are critical. By focusing only on the tasks that really matter, you will be less likely to chaise around other Shiny Objects. 
The good news is SOS is treatable (Thanks god for that) with commitment and  business clarity you will be less likely to follow the Shinny Objects. So set clear purpose goals and know what you need to accomplish. Focus on your planning and your destination, know excactly where you want to be.

Next week part 2 we will share with you the questions that you can ask yourself  to avoid following the Shinny Objects.

Are you Suffering from SOS Syndrome?

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